

I’m Anita Miller. If you have come to my website this far, you may already know that I’m a freelance copywriter specializing in Remodeling/Décor. I’ve been interested in the industry since I was a kid, at the age of 4, when I moved in with my aunt and uncle and four cousins. I was alone and scared. I needed my own “go to space,” so I created one. In the imagination of a child, I used my bed, which was a big army cot, where I created a living area for my dolls and me, using catalog cutouts of furniture and appliances. I must have done a pretty good job because my dolls never complained. Moving forward through the years, I helped friends and family define, design and create their spaces. As well, my husband and I remodeled our own home and several other houses.

I live and breathe all TV shows from This Old House, DIY, and my all-time favorite, HGTV, to only name a few. To fully explain what a home improvement geek I am, when I’m feeling down I visit Home Depot, Lowes, or the local hardware store will do. And I top it off with a visit to Ikea, or other stores with the likes of such goods. It calms me and is sure to put a smile on my face.

And here’s the thing, as much as I love remodeling and décor, I love to write. I’ve been writing since I learned to write. I’ve written for business, newspapers, and for entertainment. I’ve published one mystery novel, and a second by year end. I’m taking my love of writing to another level. I combined my two passions and made a career for myself.

In my blogs, I would like to share with you some thoughts, ideas, and experiences from my world of home improvement. But I don’t want to stop there. I want to hear your stories and passions for creating your happy places. I’d like to touch on topics of products, services including all items that make up your “go to” space.

Home improvement covers a lot of subjects, but some topics that are near and dear to my heart are living green, reusing, repurposing and keeping the landfills free of less debris. Just as we take care of our homes, we need to care for our earth, after all, it is the foundation that supports our homes. With that in mind, I’d also like to include tips on “fixer upper” ideas and keeping possessions and spaces organized and clean…Did I mention that I’m a neat freak, too? Hey, don’t judge me, it’s part of who I am.

So, this has been my introduction. I am so excited to get started on this blog. I’d like to jump right in with discussions on idea tips and cleaning hacks to make life easier you for while getting ready for the holidays. Take a look at my next blog.